Interview with David P. Perlmutter

Today I’m talking to the very talented writer David P. Perlmutter, whose book, Wrong Place Wrong Time, is being made into a movie. Thank you for taking the time to speak to me today.

Did you ever consider writing under a pseudonym? Not at all. My books are based on true events and it would be difficult to have that special relationship I have with my readers if I wrote them under another name.
Do you try more to be original or to deliver to readers what they want? As my books are based on true events of my life, I guess that they are original. I’m pleased to say and overwhelmed really that 90% of my readers really enjoy my true stories, so that doesn’t make it easier when I write them, knowing that my adventures will be well received.
Do you want each book to stand on its own, or are you trying to build a body of work with connections between each book? I guess that as my books are about my life, there is always that personal and intimate connection, with readers. Each book tells of a different adventure, so they are standalone but with me as a common theme.
What was the best money you ever spent as a writer? The huge sum of £36 for my second visit to the London Book Fair. I was recognized recognised several times as I walked around the event and a few weeks later received a contract from a publishing house. Since then I have been a further three times and when I’m, there, I get recognized often, which is always nice.
What do you owe the real people upon whom you base your characters? As my books are based on true stories, the real people I owe are my family who are featured in all books, especially my mum and my late dad. My dad never had the chance to read my books as he passed away before I started writing, but he is featured heavily in my first book, Wrong Place Wrong Time, and was my rock.
How many unpublished and half-finished books do you have? I’m currently writing a fiction book that I am planning on turning into a series. I’m about 30k words in on the first book.
What’s the best way to market your books? I get asked this question daily. To me you must look no further than social media, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram. I have written a few books on book marketing and social media, I’m not saying I know everything, of course not, but I do promote myself, my books and the movie project daily, and it has seemed to have worked. It’s FREE, the only investment is time. You have a product and you must get it out there.
What period of your life do you find you write about most often? (child, teenager, young adult) I have just self-published a book called, 13, which all about my 13th year. Four traumatic events happen in that year which I wanted to write about and get a message across, one being a matter of life and death. My other books are from events which happened to me between the ages of 21 to 27.
Do you read your book reviews? How do you deal with bad or good ones? Yes, I do read reviews. I think all authors do. With Wrong Place Wrong Time, knowing the nature of the story, my then editor warned me that I would receive some negative reviews and boy, did I. Not because of the writing but the storyline. At first, I was sick to the stomach at the names I was being called on Amazon, but now I’m thicker skinned. My view is that you can’t please everyone, and I guess that’s the beauty of personal opinions. I’m pleased to say that 90% of the reviews are 4 and 5* and in their 100’s on Amazon, Waterstones and my social media platforms.
What was your hardest scene to write? In Wrong Place Wrong Time there were many, but two stand out. The hotel fire and being in prison. I’m saying no more. You will just have to check out the book.
Do you Google yourself? Only when I need a photo or when someone asks about my books when I’m with them.
What one thing would you give up becoming a better writer? I’m dyslexic which believe me is a challenge when writing books. So, that would be something I would gladly give up.
Does your family support your career as a writer? I have a large family that are featured in the books and they are very supportive and proud. My twin designs all my book covers.
What made you want to become a writer? I started my first book, Wrong Place Wrong Time as a blog and a , sort of therapy, because of the events, when I lived in Portugal. My then editor and friend, who I sent two blog posts to containing chapters, replied saying, “David, this is far too good for just a blog, you must write a book.” And so I did.
Million-dollar question, are you working on another book? Yes. Apart from the fiction book, I’m currently working on a children’s book that I was appointed to write. It will be published on 1st July. It’s all very exciting.
What is your writing style? My writing style is I always write as in the first person and in a conversational style. Many readers have left reviews or have messaged me saying that when they read my books they feel that they are with me on the journey. Does your book have a lesson? Moral? Yes. Think before you act. Trust me.
What has been the best compliment? To me, when readers buy my books. Review them. Message me. I mean, it’s little old me and people spend time reading my words. It’s such an honor!
What is something memorable you have heard from your readers/fans? That some just simply can’t put my books down because they become so engrossed.
Anything you would like to say to your readers and fans? Thank you for all your support. They know how grateful I am; I tell them daily on social media.
Are your characters based off real people or did they all come entirely from your imagination? As they are true stories they are based on real people.
What is the biggest surprise that you experienced after becoming a writer? That Wrong Place Wrong Time is being made into a movie.
Where can we find you online? Best place to start would be
Have you thought about joining with another author to write a book? I have been asked several times and will do something in the future.
What would the main character in your book have to say about you? My main character is me and I would say, David, you’re an idiot. Or you were. Just read my books and you will understand why.
Who is the most famous person you have ever met? Jude Law I guess. When I was an estate agent, I showed him a run-down apartment. He didn’t rent it, and this was before he became a Hollywood star.
How did you get to be so witty, funny, and good looking? Must be in the genes but thank you.
If your life were a movie, what would you call it? What would the theme song be? I am so pleased to say that Wrong Place Wrong Time is becoming a movie. There are many songs, but I would say FREEDOM by George Michael.
Is your ‘being author’ a goal achieved or accident? Just happened! Complete ACCIDENT.
Have you shared ‘that story’ with world yet? If yes then which one? I’ve shared FOUR already with the world. I do have a few others, but my girlfriend who is also my editor has said, David you just cannot publish them. No way.
Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing? As I have mentioned my dyslexia.
What do your fans mean to you? The bloody WORLD. I LOVE THEM.
What inspires you to get out of bed each day? Coffee. LIFE!
Out of the protagonists you’ve written about so far, which one do you feel you relate to the most? ME. 😊
What marketing strategies do you find most helpful? Any resources you would recommend to other authors or aspiring authors? Just keep marketing your books. If you go to my website, I have two free marketing books that they can download.
What are your current projects? Apart from the fiction book, children’s book, I am involved with the development of the movie.
What are some day jobs that you have held? I f any of them impacted your writing, share an example. Estate agent. Market trader. Furrier. I was a private investigator for three weeks. I thought I was James Bond.
What do your plans for future projects include? Writing and being there every step of the way with the production of my movie!
13 the book he mentions in the interview is David’s 4th true story, his first book, Wrong Place Wrong Time is a #1 BESTSELLER on Amazon and is now a Book to Movie project with Golden Mile Productions from London, L.A and Marbella and No Reservations Entertainment.
David’s second TRUE STORY is called, FIVE WEEKS with events taking place in America, where he is nearly left for dead in a Pennsylvanian wood.
David’s third book, another true story is called, 24 Hours In New York, is about a trip to New York that lasted 24 hours, but you knew that. David ended up in a Hilton Hotel, surrounded by cops eating Pizza.
David P Perlmutter lives in London and a very proud father of four children and has one grandson. David is exceptionally close to his large family, which includes four brothers and one sister, who all live within a 10-mile radius of each other.
Apart from writing, David spends a lot of time promoting and marketing authors across the world on his social media platforms.
He has written eight books on book marketing in his My Way brand on Amazon and on his website.
David is a volunteer Cancer Campaigns Ambassador for Cancer Research UK, working with his local MP and the media on cancer related policy issues and campaigns. He also raises money for the charity by arranging book signing events at CRUK shops all over London and the home counties, and the children’s charity, Rays of Sunshine, donating a percentage of book sales.
David enjoys engaging with his 50,000 plus followers on Twitter @davepperlmutter and invites all his readers to join him there in ‘conversation’.
Wrong Place Wrong Time
Five Weeks
24 Hours in New York

My Way Won
My Way Too
My Way Free – Trending on Twitter
My Way Four – May The 4th Be with You
My Way 5 – About Life
My Way 6 – Sex for The Beach
My Way -LinkedIn
My Way to Getting Published
