Interview with Jasper Trey
Interview with Jasper Trey

Today I’m speaking with the lovely romance author Jasper (Jennifer) Trey. Thank you for speaking to me today. Jennifer (or Jasper) Is a thirty something mother of two. She has a BS in Mathematics education, a Master’s in Business, a couple of certificates in wine making, a 200 hour certification in YOGA, and a love for LOVE. I have a tendency to live in my head and finally felt I had enough life experience to put my imaginings down on paper. I hope you find my books to be a feel good and enjoyable ride from start to finish.
What projects are you working on at the present?
My current WIP is a YA Science Fiction novel. It is about a contest for the throne, winner gets all and the looser gets to watch his friends die over and over.
What did you find most useful in learning to write? What was least useful or most destructive?
Most useful would be leaving my laptop open at work and letting my students distract me. Then sit for two minutes and write whatever gelled while I was explaining something to them. Least useful is trying to write like someone else, as in write so many words a day or cut so many words with each edit.
How has your environment & upbringing colored your writing?
I grew up the daughter of dirt poor farmers in western Oklahoma. Both of my parents had University degrees, my dad in engineering and my mom in programming but after they got married they came home and took over my dad’s family farm. I grew up knowing I could do anything I wanted to when I grew up. I just didn’t grow up with a lot of money to make that happen. We did have plenty of work ethic and stamina to get things done though.
Tell us about your writing process and the way you brainstorm story ideas.
I drive a lot. Ideas just come to me as I’m driving around or walking through a grocery store. If we go on a vacation parts of that vacation are likely to show up in the story I’m currently working on.
What is your favorite genre? Why?
Romance. I like happy ever after. I work in a 100% poverty school and almost all of my students have had traumas that no child should have to deal with. I need some happy to get me through knowing some of the things these kids have gone through.
Do you have a day job in addition to being a writer? If so, what do you do during the day?
Math teacher mainly but I’m part owner in a yoga studio so I also teach yoga.
What is/are your book(s) about?
My romance novels are about what makes up the newly forming relationship, what are these two people dealing with in order to be together.
Music or silence?
Music! I love having something playing in the background at all times.
Goals of certain # of words a week or when inspiration strikes
Inspiration is a big one. I like to plan out scenes before I sit down and actually put them in words. I may write two or three chapters in a sitting or a paragraph, it really depends on the story. I usually feel pushed by the story to get it out and down on the paper but not until its ready.
An excerpt:
After they finished desert the check appeared at Dante’s elbow, he pulled out some bills and paying for dinner.
“As a 21st-century female, I’m compelled to say I can pay my half, but as a woman who appreciates a gentleman, I won’t.” Olivia said.
He just cocked an eyebrow, lightly touching her arm to guide her back toward the water. The sun had fallen to blood orange and red over the water as they enjoyed their dessert. There were only a handful of people along the beach now.
“Should we head further up the beach or back towards the resort?”
But Olivia was already steering them up the beach, running her hand down his arm until she reached his hand and linked her fingers with his. It was a walk on the beach after all.
“I’ve enjoyed this evening much more than I thought I would,” Olivia said.
“Why is that?”
Olivia took her time answering. Eventually she tucked her hair up behind her ear and looked over at him. “I haven’t made it a priority over the last year to talk with people, let alone with single, attractive men,” she said. “At least I know I can still hold my own in that arena if and when I want to in the future.”
They walked on for ten minutes or before turning around to head back to the resort. She looked up at the stars. “So like the ones at home, and yet different.”
He followed her gaze up towards the night sky. “They never get old to look at,” he said. “It doesn’t matter what part of the world I’ve been in. To look up and see the beauty in the sky, it gets me every time.”
“We never look up enough and appreciate them. Not even at home, where we can actually see them. Not as clearly as this, even where I live, out in the country, our closest city is enough to make it hard to discern the pin points. It’s so easy to overlook the everyday, even when you’re living in the day to day. Forest for the trees, I guess.”
He could hear the smile in her voice. He stopped her on the shoreline, light waves rolling in and touching their feet. He ran his hands up her arms and over her shoulders and neck until he cradled her face in his hands. He leaned in to lightly brush his lips over hers. And she ran her hands up his arms till she could encircle his wrists, leaning into his body. He came back to press his lips again and found her lips parted and seeking his. The light kiss became more hurried as wants and needs came electrifyingly to life for Olivia. It was like a lightning bolt had gone through him. This need that was rising up, was new and unexpected. Before need had always been mellow more like a simmer, this was a boil, that urged him to take.
It had been so long since Olivia had felt anything on this level of need. She thought it had died in the accident. She ran her hands up and around his neck and pressed her body to his in invitation.
He ran his hands down her body till they rested on her hips, then he pulled back and took a slow breath before lowering his forehead against hers.
“My room suite is close,” he said. “Come back with me?”
“Show me the way.” She took his hand.
Practicalities managed to run their way through her head. She hadn’t come out to dinner prepared to have sex. She had (thankfully!) brought protection on the off chance that sex happened on vacation.
Amazon author page: