Interview with Kari Bovee
Interview with Kari Bovee 
Thank you, Kari, for speaking to me today
About Kari
Empowered women in history, horses, unconventional characters, and real-life historical events fill the pages of Kari Bovée’s blog posts and manuscripts. Bovée is an award-winning writer: She was a finalist in the Romantic Suspense category of the 2012 LERA Rebecca contest, the 2014 NTRWA Great Expectations contest, and the RWA 2016 Daphne du Maurier contest for her unpublished manuscript Grace in the Wings. She was also honored as a finalist in the NHRWA Lone Star Writer’s contest in 2012 with the unpublished manuscript of Girl with a Gun.Bovée and her husband, Kevin, live in New Mexico with their cat, four dogs, and four horses.
Her debut novel Girl with a Gun – An Annie Oakley Mystery will be released June 19, 2018 with Spark Press. It is available for pre-order on Amazon. Here is the link:
What is your book about?
In the series, I’ve put Annie Oakley—a famous and iconic person—into situations she never encountered in real life. I think it’s fun to imagine how she would have reacted to being compelled to solve murders. I took what we know of her through history and created a different reality for her.Here’s a short synopsis of Girl with a Gun: When a series of crimes take place soon after Annie joins Buffalo Bills Wild West Show, including the mysteries murder of Annie’s Indian assistant, Annie fears someone is out to get her.With the help of a sassy blue-blooded reporter, Annie sets out to solve the crimes that threaten her good name.
Do you remember the first story you ever wrote?
Yes. I was in the third grade. Our teacher had us make our own books. We made our own covers and everything. My story was about a giraffe, but I don’t remember what happened in the story. I do remember I thoroughly enjoyed the whole process. I stumbled upon my third grade report card some years ago when my parents were cleaning out their garage. One of the teacher’s comments wassomething to the effect of, “Kari really loves to write stories. She has a very active imagination.”
Where is your favorite place to write?
Last year, my husband and I moved into a beautiful, New Mexican hacienda. The woman who built the house years ago was a sculptor, and at the back of the house she built herself a large studio with weathered wooden floors, a big fireplace, and lots of windows that overlook the horse pasture, and gorgeous cottonwood trees. When we bought the house, I staked my claim on the studio to become my office. I absolutely love writing in my office. The natural light and spaciousness really feed my creativity.
What projects are you working on at present?
Currently I am working on the second book in the Annie Oakley Mystery Series called Peccadillo at the Palace. I am also working on a non-fiction book called Empowered Women Leaders and the Mysteries that Surround Them.
What is the first book that made you cry?
Larry McMurtry’sLonesome Dove. I wept when Gus McRae died. I also cried when the story ended. When I finished the last page, I turned the book over and started reading it again. I didn’t want to leave that world.
If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be?
Don’t stop writing. I did stop in my early 30’s. I had a wonderful agent who made me feel like I was the most gifted writer in the world. He left the firm and I ended up in the hands of someone who wasn’t as passionate about my work. When the book didn’t sell, I was just too worn out and devastated to continue. We had two small children at the time and my husband traveled quite a bit, so I just didn’t have the energy. I started writing novels again when my youngest was a junior in high school. It didn’t seem possible then, but I wish I had pushed through and continued. So now, even when I get discouraged, I keep going.
If you could spend time with a character in your book, whom would it be and what would you do during the day?
Aside from Annie herself, I would love to spend time with Emma Wilson, Annie’s reporter friend. As Emma developed, I fell in love with her personality. She comes from extreme wealth, but when her parents tried to arrange a marriage for her, she rebelled and left the family. Her parents cut her off and she had to find work, so she became a journalist. Her father felt terrible about cutting her off, so gives Emma a fairly large allowance, but in secret so her mother won’t know. Even with her substantial allowance, Emma still wants to work. She is also involved in the suffragette movement which I think is really cool. As for what we would do during the day, I’m sure we would do some of the things she loves to do—stick her nose into people’s business to get her stories, go for a ride in her beautiful carriage, spend some time writing, go to high tea at 4pm, and then maybe get ready to go to the opera or a fabulous play.
What inspires you?
I find inspiration everywhere, but especially when I am alone in nature. I love to take long walks and let my imagination go. I also have horses and find a lot of inspiration when I am with them. They are such majestic, emotional, and spiritual beings. When I am with them, I find myself living in the present—in the moment. I don’t worry about all the little (and big) things in life that are draining or stressful. It truly is a little mind vacation for me. I find being with them refreshes me and makes me feel peaceful and ready to tackle anything.
Where can we find you on line?
I have three blogs; Empowered Women in History, Empowered Women Writing, and Empowered Horsewomen of the World. You can access them all through my website below!
Twitter: @Karibovee