Radio Interviews
John Beattie BBC Scotland 26th November 2018

BBC Leeds The Stephanie Hirst Show
26th November 2018

SFM Kent Mark Hempstead
Monday 26th November 2018

BBC Radio Jersey James Hand
Tuesday 27th November 2108

Siren FM Lincoln Alex Lewczuk
28th November 2018

BBC Radio Merseyside Linda McDermott

Thursday 29th November
Talk Radio Badass Women’s Hour

Saturday 8th December
Wednesday 12th February

Brian Jackson Hammer Show
28th July 2020

Alan R. Warren House of Mystery Radio Show
JAN 26, 2021, discussing The Innocents Mysteries series on Alan R. Warren’s House of Mystery radio show on NBC Radio. Live on the KKNW 1150 A.M. Seattle, KCAA 106.5 F.M. Los Angeles/ Palm Springs/ Riverside 9pm and KYAH 540 A.M. Salt Lake City 5pm.
Terry Melia, from Tales from the Greenhills YouTube Channel, and Steve Evans, from Radio Clatterbridge
I’ve been chatting about The Innocents Mysteries Series, my career, and about fighting back to a new normal after being hit by disability. Come on over and have a listen. My voice isn’t normally that gravelly by the way. It’s just a light cold.

Listen to the podcast here. (Copy and paste into your browser)